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sg petani, kedah, Malaysia
selalu ketawa n tersenyum cz nk awet muda hihihi...

Apr 21, 2010


Got it from my ex-classmate (Opie).

Be careful from the 20th to 28th of this month, there is possibility of an ACID RAIN. the dark circle appeared around the moon on 17th of last month and this is an indication of acid rain. Apparently this happens once in 750 years! It rains normally but it may cause skin cancer if you expose yourself to it. This information is from NASA USA. PLs forward!

Don't forget your umbrella when you're going out.


  1. Yanie!!!!! Miss u... Letak la chat box. Boleh tinggal msg lain kali. Ooo... lupe. Letak la gambar tunang. Nak nengok!

  2. wah. kak yanie dah tunang????

    eyra xtaw pun. eyra dh xbukak celcom. ni num eyra 0177090713...


    ade blog.. thanx follow eyra eyra 4low akak balik.. bestnye. kak piya ag best dah nak kawen dh. kak ynie dh keje eh? bestttnyye!

  3. to pia

    okey nti ynie letak gambo k tp de cikit je huhuhu...

    to eyra

    a'a k.yanie da keje da, keje ngan JPBD masuk bulan 12 taun lepas.. k.ynie still guna no celcon dulu ag, if de pape prob contact2 la k.ynie k =)
